
When should u put your child in daycare / preschool ?

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i am a stay at home mom and my daughter is only 9 months right now but i wanted to know what the best age to put them in a daycare or preschool would be ?




  1. I work at a daycare in Iowa and we have some kids that have just turned two this year. They are in a room with the other 2 year olds and the 3 year olds who are not potty trained yet. Some of those kids are pretty smart because in the daycare they teach them colors numbers and shapes before they even get to preschool.. so really it just depends on what you want for your kid...

  2. Wait at least until he's solidly potty trained and not having accidents often anymore.

    Just my opinion, but... I'd wait until she's at least 3. When she's 3, maybe start doing half days. Then when she's 4, do whole days in a good preschool to get her ready for a Kindergarten environment.

  3. I think that at any age a child can benefit from  the child care environment.  

    Getting used to new people (adult and children)

    New  and stimulating environment

    A chance for mom and dad to get a break so you are more relaxed and ready to be at your 100%

    Exposure to new activities such as art, music, toys, sounds, movement.  

    Some child cares do baby signs as part of their curriculum.  

    some places have computer programs for all ages as well.  

    I know this sounds bad, but it will also expose your child to many germs and diseases that they will encounter later.  Studies have found that children who attended child care get sick less often in primary school because of their exposure and immunity.

    I am not saying full time for an infant, but two half days a  week could be fun for you and your child.

  4. if it isn't a necessity, i say never.  keep her at home.  be a proactive parent and work with her yourself and don't leave it to others to do.  the childcare system in america is a sad place to put your children unless absolutely necessary.

  5. Personally, I say never.  If you can continue staying a SAHM then you should keep your daughter with you as long as possible and homeschool her in the future.

  6. if he's already potty-trained... and if you observe in his behavior that he's already ready to be away from home.

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