
When should we begin using renewable energy? Why though?

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When should we begin using renewable energy? Why though?




  1. some Renewable energy is used in many places, and here are some examples -

    Solar heaters are used in many countries to heat water.

    Electric wind turbines are used to produce electricity.

    The is a growing use of solar panels.

    some countries use Ethanol as an ingredient in car fuel.

    There are more examples.

    But of course, the ideal would be that we will only use renewable energy and stop using fossil fuels.

  2. About 20 years ago!!!

  3. We have been for many years. We had the best alternative and the "Environmentalists" wiped out our nuclear energy program. It was the only cost effective solution that could provide the massive amount we needed.

    The scientists and engineers tried to tell us it was the best alternative we had. They spent lifetimes and billions studying alternatives, but the news media and liberal "Environmentalists" knew more than they did and chose the path of OIL. That is why we are in the situation we are in today.

    Global Warming - Blame the "Environmentalist".

    High Gas Price -  Blame the "Environmentalists"

    Foreign Oil Captives -  "     "      "     "     "     "

    And now they are doing it again. I don't trust them.

  4. Every new house in Bangalore, Madras, and other metros have solar water heaters. Many old houses are introducing them.

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