
When should you call 911 for help?

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A second Florida man has been arrested on charges of making false 911 calls in as many days. An arrest report says 47-year-old Carlos Gutierrez was at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino early Monday and called 911 to say the slot machine stole his money. The report says Gutierrez left the casino to place a second 911 call to say the same thing.

He was arrested and charged with making a false 911 call. He's being held with no bail set.

On Sunday another man was arrested after calling 911 five times during an argument with his brother. He demanded that dispatchers send deputies to help sort things out.

And in northern Florida last week, a Jacksonville man called 911 to complain that a Subway left the sauce off a spicy Italian sandwich.




  1. 911 is for emergencies only.  Period.

  2. You forgot one....  the kid that called 911 because his mom (or grandma, I forget which) didn't let him get his way. lol

  3. I don't blame that first guy for calling because of an argument. Yeah, lots of people make those bogus/useless calls and I did a few times too, when I was like 7. They really make me laugh some times. So, really, calls to 911 should only be made if you feel that you or any other are in danger, no much else. As for jonathan j, don't call others on Y!A retarded.

  4. Obviously you should call 911 when it's an emergency or when someone is in danger.  I have gotten some ridiculous 911 calls in my career.  One gal called 911 from a nail salon to report that she broke a nail.  I've had people call 911 because they are lonely, or because Old Navy wouldn't take a return.  Or those that call 911 for a "Cabulance" (an ambulance ride so they get to a different area).  I love the 911 calls for abandoned autos and such.  It's ridiculous.  Kudos to that department for following up with misuse of 911 calls.

  5. are you RETARTED you dont nowwen to call 911 its wen you feel thretend by someone der da der idiot

  6. As a rule of thumb, I call 911 for emergencies only.  I define emergency as when there is a danger to life, limb, health or property.

    However, my local sheriff's office encourages the use of  911 for things like suspicious vehicles in the neighborhood.  I don't use 911; I have programmed the non-emergency number into my cell and home phones.  It takes a bit longer to get to a dispatcher, but I personally think keeping the 911 lines open for true emergencies is the most responsible thing to do.  

  7. Retired 9-1-1 Dispatcher many years

    Everyone knows when there is an emergency.  A few called and it was not an emergency, and I would take the calla nd advise the use of 9-1-1

  8. Those are all abuses of the system.  You should call 911 when your life is in danger or you are injured and cannot get yourself to a hospital.  If you broke your finger you should call a taxi to take you to the hospital.

  9. When there is sufficient cause to believe that severe damage to life, health, and/or property is occurring,  

  10. I work in a jail and some nights I answer the phones.  I have a very strict amount of information that I can release to the public.  I think it is quite funny when I tell someone I can't give out certain information, and they then say, "Fine, I will just call 911."  I laugh knowing the trouble they are getting themselves into...

    I certainly hope these fools are convicted, setting examples for others.

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