
When should you drink Muscle Milk?

by  |  earlier

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I am just going to start working out. Is it a good idea to work out for a week and then start the Milk or just start it now.




  1. Please see my answer below

  2. Now...if you plan on building have a protein window after your workouts of about 30 minutes to an 1&1/2 hours...the sooner the better.....try to hit it everytime  

  3. well idk how big or small you are and how much muscle you wanna gain but muscle milk is pretty high on fat but you should take it after your workout so your muscles can feed off it

  4. straight away

    you are taking this whole muscle milk wayyy to seriously its just protein and to be honest i have went through 3 tubs and seen very very very little result i wont be buying any more

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