
When should you name your baby?Singer Lauryn Hill has a 7m old that is unnamed. Is that ok, psychologically?

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...I can't imagine that it is!







  2. That's horrible. My personal thoughts are the child should have a name when you leave the hospital, and as far as I know most states do not allow you to leave without a name for the baby. I know and understand from my own expierences that is is difficult to name a child, but gosh not that hard!

  3. no way....poor baby

  4. I think they should just name her Marley if they are gonna call her "baby Marley". She is going to know that name by now and getting her used to something else is silly. Either way she needs a name that poor baby girl. Ithink a baby should have to have a name before they leave the hospital....or at least within a week. Good question!

  5. I think slappy is right. Seems like I read that..but they don't want Braunshitta to become popular, so it's all on the down low.

  6. Many people change their name as a right of passage. I believe that some cultures even give their children "baby" names that are changed at a manhood ceremony.

    Do I think that LH is being a good parent by not naming her child - no way! However, kids are resilient and the baby will not have any long term anxiety over this lack of name!

  7. wow i would say its not ok  

  8. They have been saying that Lauryn Hill has SERIOUS mental issues that need to be dealt with...It is very ridiculous that she hasnt found one suitable name for this child in her 9 months of pregnancy and his 7 months of life.....Is she trying to make a statement or has she really just not found a good name yet?

    rofl @ Slappy...

  9. I thought you had to name your baby before you could leave the hospital.  

  10. Some cultures don't name their children for a couple of years, and the kids turn out just fine.  They're calling the child something - "baby," "little one," etc. - so the child has an identity and recognizes that others see it as an individual, just not a formal name yet.

  11. I thought they had to be named when released from the hospital. It seems like they need one for the social security card too.

    Psychologically  as long as they are being loved and taken care of they will be okay.  Maybe she is waiting to see what name the child will grow into.

  12. Picabo Street wasn't named until the age of 2.  If you think about it, how many different sweet pet names would you call a babby anyway?  As long as the baby gets lots of love and nurturing it shouldn't be a problem.

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