
When skating stopping on your outside edges?

by  |  earlier

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i can push out a basic hockey stop but im finding extremely hard to balance my weight properly on both edges, i.e most of my weight is on my front foot.

i was wondering if anyone has any excerises from developing balance on the back edge of a skate.

in addition to this any does anyone have ne advice on how to work on a weaker side, as my left leg is no way near as stong as my right on the ice

thanks alot




  1. i had the same prob as you whe i worked my hockey stop (mixture of t stop and snowplow)

    i tried doing a left t stop and then b4 i totally stop, i did a snowplow with my right inside edge (retaining my left outside edge). i din't forget to bend my knees deeper though. i know its confusing... sorry. but that's how i improved.

    practice more... and skate more on your left foot.

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