
When skiing in mountains where there's no cell phone reception,do you use walkie talkie to contact ur partner?

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If not, how do you contact your ski partners?




  1. At most ski resorts, there are usually a few bars of cell phone service. However, walkie talkies are very popular.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Walkie talkies and cell phones usually work...also sat phones.

    Or...I stay in sight of them or we agree to hook up at certain times and places during the day to stay in touch.

  3. Yes, walkie talkies are very popular at the ski resorts!

  4. Most resorts have a GSM cell tower. If your carrier uses something else (ie Verizon) you may not have service...however most places have OK coverage.

    How did we keep in contact with our ski parties BEFORE we became so damned dependant upon cell phones and radios?

    We made a plan to meet somewhere if we got seperated...that's what we did. If it was an emergency, we put a message on the lift boards...that's why they are there. "Jim Smith...please come to the 1st Aid building!" Jim would see the message and ski to where he was needed.

    Radios suck. The ranges printed on the box are those under ideal circumstances on flat ground with no atmospheric skip and no obstacles in the way of the two radios. That's why even small resorts like mine (700 vertical feet) use radios on a repeater network.

    Keep your cell phone in the car. It's the best place for it. Some idiot lost her iPhone last week at my resort. How did she lose it? She dropped it from the ski lift. I'm sure I'll find it in April. Hopefully it will work and I can sell it on eBay.

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