
When some one say,s one thing and doe,s another

by  |  earlier

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I want to know why people change and do what they do.




  1. few things either they are very indecisive and or flaky as one response said!

    some do change their minds other are just disrespectful!

    and others just don't care!

  2. This is a question for psychology not ettique. People are strange and can say one thing but do something else or even the opposite. Like you and me they want to give a good impression but in their hearts they cannot adapt so readily to the ideal situation or attitude that they depict. Its human!

  3. Flakey

  4. That always drives me crazy.  When I tell someone I will be there or contact, I do it.  Last Saturday, I invited three people over who said they would stop by.  I didn't hear from any of them.  That's irksome.

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