
When somebody cuts you off in traffic do you?

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try to catch up with them to see their face so you can think some petty thought about them based on their appearance?

I'm sad to admit that I do. Pitiful...




  1.   I have stick out my middle finger and yell "b*****d."

  2. If it's a woman or an old person, I will either let it go or might just drive past them and shake my head at them if I can.

    If it's a man, and the cut off is bad, it can get a lot worse.  I'll leave it at that.

  3. no. but i do start yelling

  4. Hi Erin,

      Yes I do the same thing with a few added words and a finger motion.. I think this is called: Nice road rages..At least it's not trying to shoot them like a lot of people are doing now My Friend.My guy tells me that i'm going to cause him to get in a big fight one of these day, because of My finger motion and My added words i say..Lol

    Your Friend,


  5. it could be pissing to meet tyrants as such or any aspect of our life. nevertheless we should always remember how wonderful life is and no matter who we are, no one is spared with life's up and down. spent your energy on your dream and let not anyone or bad event affect your emotion. you certainly wouldn't wish to end up beaten by him isn't it?

  6. i tail them as closely as possible.

  7. wow haha. I'm too young to drive, but when my dad gets cut off he starts swearing&yelling like a bloody loon [:

  8. I'll say "WTF" and then act like it didn't happen and keep driving. My road rage is under control for now.

  9. i do that sometimes too, and then if i'm in a bad mood, i'll flip them off. it's not as bad as my bro throwing pennies at their car

  10. run the plates, stalk them and send them dead stuff

  11. Nothing. I just brake and go about my business.

  12. I just drive horribly recklessly in an attempt to make them understand how unhappy I am.  Embarrasing, but true.

  13. no i dont accually, normallly i just settlle with throwing a bottle of crystal meth in the back of there car and then break a head light so the cops pull her over then one looks in the car and finds it.

    now of corse this is bullshit but funny dont you think


  14. Yes Erin, I tend to be a bad driver as well when I know that someone has deliberately cut me off or drives right on my tail when I am rush hour traffic. Why should I allow the car behind me to pass me when the traffic is stopped or going nowhere?

    Some people think they truly own all the roads and highways. Anytime I see someone coming upon me at a fast rate of speed, I'll put on my blinker and attempt to move over if there is room. But if I can't move over and someone is driving like a

    total maniac, pushing, shoving, riding in between the lines to try to force my car to move over, cussing up a storm, using the

    finger repeatedly, or they just barely miss taking off my front bumper, then I have to confess that I am also embarrassed to admit that I become irate, too.

    Oh yes! I yell awful cuss words at these people, shoot the bird

    and I love to say stuff to their face when I am even with them. Then, I zoom off afterwards. If they try to catch up with me, I make sure that I never look in their direction. When I ignore irate drivers completely, then it really makes them pizzed off to the point that I think they are going to have a stroke. Those are the types of people that I just love to chuckle my butt off at.

    When people are polite, motion to me that they would like to move over in front of me, and if they don't try to crowd their way in, then the majority of the time, I will allow them to move over in front of me. You always get more fout of me when you

    "use honey than when you use vinegar."

    But I absolutely hate it when someone does their best to tailgate, cuss a blue streak at me, make fists or shoot the bird, run right up behind me at a really high rate of speed , then slamming on their brakes so that they won't hit me from behind, (since I always drive at least ten miles over the limit, except during a school zone), or they honk a lot and whenever

    they flash their bright lights on and off of me, then yeah!  I get mad as h**l and I will do everything I can to keep them from getting in front of me. If I succeed, that makes the offenders even madder than they already were initially if that's possible.

    Sure, I know that this is extremely dangerous behavior but there are no good reasons for people to try to make me drive the way that they want me to drive or they're pizzed off and  they may have had a really bad day. That is still not a good reason to take their anger out on me. I always try to move out of the way when I notice that someone is very quickly coming up behind me at a really fast rate of speed unless I am totally trapped and I simply cannot get out of the way because there are so many cars in front of me. Just exactly what can you possibly do, especially if it is rush hour traffic?

    Oh, another thing that bugs me to no end is when people are driving either a manual shift car or truck, their tail lights are burned out or if they don't press on their breaks when they are ready to make a turn, and they don't use any type of a signal to let you know that they are planning to cross over several lanes of traffic to turn.

    Well, our roads are not the Autobahn to where you can make up all of your own traffic rules, drive recklessly or as fast as everyone would like. They are going to either get hurt or hurt someone else when they act like they have personally paid for all of the concrete or asphalt roads or freeways in this big state. Attitude that sucks!!

    When you live in a city of over 2.2+ million people, you are usually gonna have some 'road rage.'  As long as people are halfway polite to me, I'll work with them in whatever way I can. But sometimes, when someone pushes my button which is connected to my very last nerve, then I simply lose my cool and I am no longer a frirendly, normal human being with all of my faculties intact. Now, that person has put me on the complete defensive to where I am going to act as immature as the driver that first had a fit of  'road rage.'  Every once in a while, when someone gets me mad enough, I will turn into a terrible driver with awful 'road rage.'

    I know this is tantamount to asking for trouble, but I cannot stand to be rudely pushed around by crabby people in certain situations. Thank you God, for giving me some Guardian Angels that sit on my shoulder and tell me when to back off and when enough is enough! And I really hate it when a person makes me so mad that I act as badly as the person who instigated the problem.

    *sighs and hangs her guilty head*   ;-)

  15. Nothing don,t have that problem where i live

  16. I drive them off the road hoping they'd crash.

  17. No. I just keep rolling at my 25 MPH.

  18. No... I don't do that... but I will "flip them the bird."

    Please be careful. Road rage is very real and I don't want you to get hurt.

    Some people carry weapons in their cars.

  19. If my children are with me, I force myself to remain calm and curse under my breath, BUT if I am by myself, I sometimes do the  "road rage" thing, which I know is very stupid and against the law. Sometimes a person can only handle so much stress in one day and these people really p**s a person off, especially if they catch you at the wrong time and place.

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