
When someone asks,"How are you?" what is your usual response?

by Guest63444  |  earlier

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I understand the answer may vary from day to day, or as to whom may have asked. I am searching for the most often used response. Thanks




  1. "Good, how are you?"

    I noticed people sometimes just ask "how are you?" and walk by without even listening - once a coworker asked me how I was and walked by, and I said "not too good today".. without even listening she says "oh that's great!" HAHAHA

  2. "I'm fine and how about you?'  This is usually a lie since I am NOT fine and very rarely do I care how the other person is.  I am not a mean person.  It is simply that most people really do NOT care how you are and  are not interested in how you really feel.

  3. I usually say "I'm good, thanks.  How are you?"  I'm just so sweet.

  4. "Good, and you?" or "fine, thank you!"

    It's just like in japan, instead of saying "how are you?" they ask "have you eaten?" and you always say yes, even if you haven't!  Weird huh?  

    I guess it's just normal not to say how you are REALLY doing if you don't know someone very well.

  5. I'm great, how about you?

  6. Always "Fine thank you and you?" No one wants to hear about your stomach problem,s you arguments, your worries, your issues, etc, just treat it as a courtesy, nothing more.

  7. I always say I'm fine Thanks and you?  even if I'm half dying!! No one wants to hear all your ailments. Asking how you are is politeness not because they want to know

  8. i typically say, "I'm doing good, how about you?"

  9. I am very well thank you and you?

    People only say that because it is polite, they really do not care.

  10. I'm a fairly truthful answerer so I either say I am doing absolutely great today.  Or something more like "umm so so.  you know how it is".

    I'd say I do both about equally though so I'm not sure.  

    If it's when I first come across them though a lot of people ask that really too early.  They put "HEY How are you" all together like one sentence so my response is "HEY Long time.  How are you" back.  Definitely if it's one of those instances where the person is busy but throws that out there anyway.  Like when you say hi to someone but keep walking or they are on the phone but still want to greet you.  That's definitely when I do that.

  11. not bad for people I dont really care to know about.

    give more detail on people I do care about.

  12. Good, how are you? :)


    Jk, I actually say...

    I'm good, you?  

  14. I say "I'm great thanks, how are you?"

  15. I say, "I'm fine thanks, and you?"

    They usually say, "I'm good, thanks."

  16. "Fine thank you, and yourself?"

  17. "Good, how are you?" Short and sweet.

  18. Just say you are well, thank you, regardless of how your feel.  How are you is a greeting not a question.

  19. good, or great... no one wants to hear you cry about your problems and crappy life.

  20. "I am very well thanks, how are you"? I say this whether I am very well or not, and usually get the same reply back. Let's be honest it is simply a matter of being polite, there is an unwritten understanding that neither party is actually interested in the others well-being.

    Obviously if the question comes from someone who I know does actually care, then I would be more inclined to say how I really am.    

  21. Well, I used to think that when someone asked this, they really wanted to know, so I told them. Then either I realized or someone told me that this is just another way of saying "Hello!" and they really don't want to know how I am. Now, I just say, "OK." to most people.

    I've always found it a strange way to say, "Hello." I tend just to say that unless I really want to know how someone is--and then I expect them to tell me in as much detail as they are comfortable with.

  22. fine

    or if they ask how I'm doing, I say I'm doing.

  23. Ah I'm grand, how's that brother of your's?  Ah he's grand aswell and they walk past and think, hold on a minute I don't have a brother.

  24. I'm fine....WHY... what have you heard?!?

  25. tickety boo

    top of the world thanks

    or my fave the dream

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