
When someone asks a question about a celeb why do you say, "who cares?"?

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Like a girl just asked a Jonas question about if Kevin has a girlfriend and people said who cares. Well obviously the asker cares. That's why she asked it. So why do you say who cares?




  1. Because I don't care that's why.

  2. The asker cares, while the rest of the world does not.

  3. Because NOBODY CARES about a celebrities life! Worry about yourself for once. and the asker probably had nothing better to do than to waste 5 points over a question that isn't going to affect your life.

    and how exactly does asking if a celebrity you don't know has a girlfriend going to 'help' people's lives?

  4. Because nobody cares, cuz seriously, if you up on yahoo answers, do you really think kevin jonas is gonna wanna date you? No. So asking idiotic questions like that (and this one) deserve a WHO CARES.

  5. Thats what they say when they are not in a mood to write an answer.

    Its quite harsh.

    & if they don't know the answer they shouldn't even answer it.

    Its pretty rude!

  6. because theyre just celebrities and they dont really matter. they dont care about you so why should you care about them. get it?

  7. haha that annoys me tooo!

    like if you dont care why are you taking your time to write that you dont care?

    cause guess whattt, they probably dont care that you dont care.


    yeah i agree.

  8. Because it's his life and the fans shouldn't interface with it.They should only be concerned with their careers instead of their personal life.

  9. who cares

  10. that annoys me too

    its only cuz they want the 2 points for the question! and yeah w.e

  11. Because they should have better things to do with their lives than preoccupy themselves with who their favorite talentless little boy is dating.


    No, you're right.  It would be a violation of the rules.  But 99.999999% of of Jonas Brothers or other celebrity-related questions are either spam (because they've been asked millions of other times) or chatting (because we don't care which one is hotter).  So we're even now.

  12. Whoever says "Who cares" to those kind of questions are trying to make the asker see sense.  I mean, come on, let's say Kevin's single, it makes no difference in anyone's life except his.

    Yeah, it would be a violation, but then that's what the report button is for, right?

  13. i really think the ppl who hate jbros are just jealous and really needs to get a life. seriously, im not sure 2 the kev ? but i no selena and nick arent goin out

  14. Because we really DON'T care...

  15. well I think some ppl say that because so many ppl ask the same thing over and over and its not good to be so in to a person's life..just let them live..if they were some regular ppl with no money no fame or anything but talent then no one would ask if they have gf's and stuff

  16. I'm sorry.  It won't happen again.

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