
When someone asks you "How much are your house payments?"

by  |  earlier

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Notice, it was just a neighbor. (You do not know her very well) you just say.."Oh, I do NOT discuss payments>"...That should have been the end of it and move on, but NO, she said, WHY? I JUST LOOKED AT HER, and just said..."because it is kinda personal".....ARE a lot of people like that??? I was SHOCKED!!! (It was NONE OF HER BUSINESS TO EVEN ASK THAT!!!)...thanks for your answer...




  1. I kinda do the same thing as the answerer above and answer a question that I don't want to answer with a question, "Why do you want to know"?  Or another favorite, "What makes you ask that?" If they persist, I usually use sarcastic humour and say something like "just enough that I can afford to live here"...

  2. I agree, it's so rude. My husband's friends all ask "what's your interest rate?" I smile and tell them we locked in the perfect rate at the perfect time.

    I think you handled the neighbor perfectly. She needed to be told her line of questioning was too prying.  

  3. Just say you pay enough.  You are still living in your house at least.

  4. I would answer her question with a question.  Why would you ask such a personal question of someone you don't know? or Why, are you planning on paying half of the payment for us?

  5. The next time the nosey old biddy asks, simply tell her that you paid cash for the house and have no house payments.  That ought to shut her up.

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