
When someone attempts to induce a parapsychological experience, do any physical changers occur?

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Does the heart rate climb? Any sweating or change in body temperature? Any headaches, nausea or loss of minerals or vitamins?




  1. Depending upon the skill that is being practiced, there are different physical experiences that have been observed.

    Those who practice telepathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, or precognition typically go into a deep medatative state in order to focus their attention and enhance their intention.  A medatative state is typically accompanied by reduced heart rate and slowed breathing.  During the psi event, depending on what is being experienced by the subject, anxiety, fear, or another strong emotion my increase the heart rate or cause other physical changes that are normal for these emotions.

    Subjects who attempt psychokinesis often work themselves into an excited physical state.  Their heart rate increases, their body temperature may rise, and other symptoms typical of extreme physical exertion may be observed.  Some subjects have reported both nausea and headaches after they have completed the work.

    There have also been studies done with EKG devices to determine which parts of the brain become active during different psi activities.  In speaking with remote viewers who have gone through these experiments, I have learned that brain activity first decreases drastically as the mind is emptied to begin the experiment.  When the target is actually percieved by the viewer, the rear of the brain becomes active (the part of the brain that interprets perceptions).  Finally, the front of the brain becomes active as the images are drawn by the viewer.

    Healers have also been known to take on the characteristics of the patient they are working on while they are performing the healings.  Finally, there are reports of yogi who are able to produce such extreme body heat that they dry wet towels that are wrapped around their bodies.

    Psi activity, just like any activity in the body or mind, is accompanied by physical changes in the body.  Each person has a different response just as each person has a different way of performing the task.  Thanks for the question!

  2. My watch has a built in thermometer. One time during a spoon bending exercise the watch read 42F which obviously was incorrect. It took 48 hours return to normal.

    I have no explanation, and yes the spoon bent.

  3. In the most recent AutoGanzfeld experiments one would expect that heart rate would decrease due to being in a more relaxed state (not unlike meditation or a hypnogogic/hypnopompic state of sleep).

    There were reports of Nina Kulagina experiencing physical difficulties that were measured by the soviet scientist examining her during her psi demonstrations. (link below)

    There have been studies in Remote Staring where people respond physically when they are being stared at (and do not know they are being stared out) by both William Braud and Rupert Sheldrake but they are not trying to induce psi abilities.


  4. When I first read your title to the question, I thought, oh yeah! I've altered my physical body many times doing this, and then I woke up. Then I read the rest of your details and realized you were talking science of proving that the mind and body were connected during such states, whereas proving that the experience is real.

    I've seen science prove the existance of a soul by weighing a person before and after death, and I've seen the same for what you are asking.

    During parapsycholigical experiences people have shown to have the same rate changes as a person would during a dream state.

    Of course I liked the first answer better, but hope you enjoyed my take on it anyway. Good luck :)

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