
When someone cites the NAS or the National Academy of Science as a reference?

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isn’t that just about as useless as citing Al Gore?

No one who knows how to think would take anything they say seriously so using them as a source of your information just makes you look that much more desperate.

Keep in mind this group of ‘scientist;’ (ain’t that a joke) Who are on the tax payers back, are the same ones who insist that our children be taught that their ancestors where bacteria in a pond. If they really had a clue, would they not be working a real job, doing something good for a change?

Get my point?




  1. No, I haft to disagree with you on this, there's nothing more useless as citing al gore.

  2. The NAS is the most respected body of scientists in the world.  Just because they don't agree with your political agenda doesn't mean that their science is less valid.  Scientists do not care about politics.

  3. Explain how your point of view is the more valid.

    Bet cha' can't.

    And we get lambasted for comparing denialists to creationists.

  4. so, when did the world start for you friend? you fell for that old creation 5000 years ago scam did you? dont you know the churchmen are just using that stuff to control you?

    well theres no hope confusing you with science.....

  5. Why is it "useless" to cite Al Gore?  I mean I don't, just because I can come up with better references, but even the denier community has acknowledged that there is nothing important wrong with his movie or his speeches.  I don't think criticisms about using animated bears are any more erudite than the bears themselves.  If this is what you mean by knowing how to think, I'm not surprised so many people pass.

  6. The "NOT ABOUT SCIENCE" group as they should be called, should indeed be cut off from all tax money.

    Their 'science' is nothing more than new age religion

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