
When someone clones a human being?

by Guest63761  |  earlier

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and we know it will be done eventually( whether it is right or wrong), how will it get a soul? If it doesn't and it survives as all other humans, will you believe their is no god?




  1. All people have a soul, cloned or not.I,personally, think its a sin.Only God is the creator of human life. They have taken the wisdom God gave them.And it turned into an unnecessary evil.

  2. A clone would have a soul like any other person.

    By the way, even clones of animals/humans are not grown in test tubes, they still require a female of that species in order to grow. A human clone would be born from a woman just like anyone else.

  3. Soul = Another word for Conscience.

    Yes, it will have a 'soul'.

  4. A soul can't be "detected" anyways, so whats your point?

  5. Do you not mean a spirit?   A body + a spirit = a soul.   God breathed into Adam and he "became a living soul".  We are all living souls.  

    A clone is no different from an identical twin.  Why should it not also get a spirit?   Like an identical twin, it will not have the same character or personality as the person it was cloned from.  It will still be an individual.

  6. When someone clones a human being, I will feel very sad for the life of the poor child.

    As to God, He got us all here.  He can put a soul wherever he wants,

    including into a cloned human.

  7. the soul is the driver behind the wheel. the clone will be like any other human being. therefore, will have a soul. My problem with this question is that, because religion has messed so much with people's minds, caused conflict, and alienated groups, that people's angry reaction to that is, There is NO GOD. But who says you have to be religious to believe in God? Forget religion. But you have to be open to the notion of a higher power. whether we have a soul or not, it doesn't matter. it's just a word we made up. the clone will be no different. the case will debunk certain religious texts, on that i agree.

  8. Why don't you ask a pair of identical twins?

  9. You can't be serious...  Nobody is THAT hopelessly superstitious.  If there actually were a cloned human, how could you prove it didn't have a soul?  You couldn't -- it would be perfectly human by every conceivable measure.  Wouldn't that finally convince you such superstitious souls don't actually exist?

  10. I don't believe no one will ever be able to do that and if they did it would simply be a zombie like in the movie "The Night Of The Living Dead" thats what they would be "Living Dead.".. but I turly believe that the human body is to complex to be cloned...God made it that way to prevent such a thing ever happening..

  11. Of course not, we are already creators of children through s*x, cloning will just be another method, if it is proven to work with no side effects, the person will be no nothing dfferent than anyone else, (emotions, soul, concience, whatever) Life is consantly evolving and searching for different and new ways to exist.... there will be people who agree and people who dont, thats the way with everything...

  12. Begun the Clone War have.

  13. In my tradition the soul isn't transferred to the child until it is named (traditionally nine days after birth, in a naming ritual). So even if her name is a barcode tattooed on her cheek, she therefore has a designation of some sort, be it Clone Gamma, 0000543, or Cindy.  There will always be some way to refer to that specific clone.  And knowing our sense of humor, we'd name her Dolly.

    And why do I imply the first clone will be female?  Females are easier to clone.

  14. What about Eve? Wasn't she cloned from Adam's rib? Explain that one!

  15. First, let's prove that souls even exist.  

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