
When someone constantly clears their throat, is it more of a physical or psychological condition?

by Guest62428  |  earlier

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I work with a couple of people who literally clear their throat every 30 seconds, and it sounds like they are having a stroke every time they do it. It is so grating that some in the office have taken to wearing not only earphones, but earplugs.

It seems to me that after a while, whatever is in their throat would get cleared out, and it is now some sort of nervous tic or something.

What are your thoughts?




  1. I've known of people who do that just to be rude as if to use their throat clearing as a smug way to say non-verbally "I don't like you", "get out of my way and move", "I'm suspicious of you because I don't like you" (a lot of racist people have been known to do this), "Don't look at me", etc., etc. Mostly it's used to intimidate.

    It's not always physical...

  2. Yeah I think its more OCD or Anxiety

  3. OCD or tourettes. Its not physical. I think he woulda had that checked out some time ago

  4. It could be physical like allergies, bronchitis, or athsma, or psychiologigal like tourettes or something

  5. I used to work with people with environmental and food allergies and throat clearing can be a sign of allergy. Some foods cause a build up of mucus in the sinuses and throat and feels like it is blocking the throat and so the sufferer (who may not even know that it is happening) constantly clears the throat and doesn't realise that they might be eating something frequently that causes the problem. One woman I knew used to drink a lot of coffee which did not actually agree with her and that led to her constantly coughing or "coffing". haha

    On the other hand, I also have known people who have difficulty expressing themselves in certain situations and the throat clearing can be a nervous tic like you say. If they want to speak up and say something but are held back by nerves or fear or something they might develop a reactive throat clearing. The constancy of the throat clearing every 3o seconds or so does seem to indicate it may be more of an allergy though.  

    Perhaps you could ask them (with concern) if they have seen a doctor about their throat clearing because you are sure that it is not serious and could be fixed? Or maybe suggest an allergenist. Just a thought, it might draw their attention to it and if it is a nervous tic, they might be able to stop doing it.      

  6. My thoughts: They need to clear throat because they're dehydrated. If their necks are stuck in the same positions each day, and not taking in enough fluids, more than likely its an itch in the back of the throat. Have you noticed them touching their throat/neck a lot? That could be a big sign that I'm on to something :) Just my thoughts xx

  7. It could be both b/c I know smokers who do this b/c of all the phlegm that has built up.

  8. I clear my throat because of a physical condition - Usually draining allergies.

  9. My son did this and the neurologist he goes to for migraines heard him and determined he had a tic, like with tourettes syndrome but milder.  I advised her that I always assumed allergys caused it and I took him to the allergy doctor, but it ended up being gerd, "reflux" and now he takes prevacid twice a day.  I am sure that they have acid reflux too and they are clearing their throat because part of what they ingest is coming up in their throat, if they do it constantly I can almost guarantee it, and you do not have to have heartburn to have reflux, with him it just makes him hoarse and constantly feeling the need to clear him throat, they need to go buy some over the counter meds!!

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