
When someone dies, who should you report it to.?

by  |  earlier

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It has been three years since my mother who was eighty-five and living in my home died. I am still receiving mail for her, although I have notified the post office more times than I can count. And, I have sent out death certificates to all who keep sending mail to her.




  1. Scratch out the name and return the mail to Sender.


  2. My sympathies.

    I have the same problem with my dead father, and the mail

    followed me when I moved.

    (Just received notice they're cancelling a credit card account

    that I know I stopped as Executor.)

    Just try to develop a thicker skin and trash the stuff unopened.

    Trying to get off each and every list just isn't worth the time and agravation.

  3. If you are receiving junk mail, there should be a 800 number to call. Talk to a person, don't answer questions on a recording and tell them that she is deceased and to please remover her names from their mailings.

  4. Why bother.  cash the social security checks and buy yourself something nice.  You deserve it and she would want you to have the money.  The government doesnt need it.

  5. Contact your local social security office and report a death.  It will then be sent to other authorities and companies who do this for a living.  It gets reported and soon your mail will start to minimize.

    Good luck and I hope this helps.

  6. Simply write "recipient deceased - return to sender" and drop it back into any mail box. If it's junk mail, like from local grocery stores, trash it.

  7. I have owned my place for 5 years now, living here for 3 years, but we stil get mail for person who lived here before we owned it. I put down no longer at this address and put it back in the mail.  I assume you have reported her death to social security as her SS checks would have to stop.  You have the death certificate so you have reported that.  You may just get some of those letters that are on generated stuff from years beefore.  Mark them deceased. Return to sender.  But many of them are not returned to sender as they are the reduced rates and not first class mail at all.  Check with local postmaster about opening the mail and pitching it so you don't have to send it back or do anything. I think it is likely to be okay, esp. if  you were her administrator.

    Has to be frustrating to you.  Good luck.

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