my father died as a result of an auto accident over a year ago, we did put the thing in paper to settle his bills, no creditors came forward. now medicare is refusing to pay the bills. the man involved in the accident gets out of it all because of the shoddy investigation done by the highway patrol in that state.are the beneficiaries of the estate responsible for the bills just now being sent, or did these bills die when dad died.due to thje investigation being so badly done we aren't able to assign any blame to the truck driver, but picturs clearly show his front end being damaged, but the authorites say after 30 days no accident report can be ammended or changed.the truck drivers truck was never seen by the officer investigating the accident but they have witness's saying this truck was right up on dads rear and very close.the truck driver denied being behind my dad, the truck driver clearly caused dad's vehicle to go out of control, causing the accident, now the truck driver has just informed us he intends to sue,the insurance company is going to settle because they say it would cost too much to take it to trial.when the accident occured we never questioned a thing, but when we received the pictures of the man's truck the pictures told the whole story but since so much time has passed, its impossibble to go back and change the man who caused my father's death is able to sue us, the highway patrol says they made a mistake but are not going to change the if a loved one is in an accident and the report doesn't look right, insist they investigate further if not it could cause heqartache and a lawsuuite later on.