
When someone gets serious with me I burst out laughing?

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A while back I was cutting myself and my friend found out so she wanted to confront me, so when she said she needed to talk to me, I just burst out laughing. When she said that she cares about me, which made my heart melt, I just started laughing.

When my grades went down and my mother got mad at me I started laughing, I didn’t mean to, I just did. Then my mother got even more upset.

I don’t know why I do this, it just happens, how do I stop it? I’ve really hurt people’s feelings in the past…I don’t know if this is relevant but I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)




  1. My boyfriend does this too. It can be very annoying, and it seems like that's his way of coping with his emotions when things get too serious for him.

  2. It's actually quite a common reaction to express agitation or upset through inappropriate laughter, especially with such disorders as yours. I don't think you can necessarily stop it, perhaps a counsellor or psychiatrist could help you to think of better ways of expressing yourself in a spontaneous way like that. Maybe you could just explain to the person who is upset by your reaction that you're not being flippant but that you giggle when you feel awkward or get upset, which might help them to understand why you did it?

  3. I do that alot. Whenever I get nervous or whenever I don't know what else to say.not a good habit. people take offence to it very quickly

    answer mine!;...

  4. I think you're having trouble with your emotions and it's a nervous reaction. This link seems to back that up.

  5. i do the same thing...if something is sad or really serious i can't stop smiling and if i'm angry i cry and sometimes if i'm happy or really excited i cry...i think it might have something to do with the BPD i would ask a professional though and see if there's something you can do to train yourself to react better to serious situations...also i started cutting when i was 13 and kept up til i was 22 or i'm 25 and i'm so glad i stopped that ****...seriously cutting is lame:)

  6. Its a nervous reaction,(spose its better than crying) Surprising things have a weird reaction on the brain, sending electical signals via your nervous system, and the way you deal with this, is by laughing, try to think next time, and try to control the urge to laugh, or this could spiral out of control.PhD.

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