
When someone hits my car, Isn't my insurance company suppose to deal with this for me?

by Guest65647  |  earlier

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Earlier in the week, someone ran into my husband's car. The claims adjuster from my insurance company gave me a contact name and number for the other guys insurance and said that I would need to call them and see how they want to handle this. The other guys insurance is not returning my calls. So now my husband is driving 150 miles a day in a car that probably shouldn't be driven. Is this how this is suppose to work? I thought my insurance company was suppose to be an advocate for me.




  1. In order for your insurance company to help you, you must have collision insurance on the car that was "ran into".  Collision on your other cars, won't help

  2. No.  Your insurance company does not handle this for you.

    You don't have collision coverage. They can't do much for you. If you have questions - you can call the adjuster with your company and they can give you general info on how the process works. But they can not legally act like a legal representative for you.

    You will have to deal with it yourself.

    If the other adjuster is not returning your calls, ask to speak to a supervisor.

    Or....heres a little trick I use every now and then when I can't get another adjuster to call me.  I use this only in rare cases.

    Call every hour on the hour.  If you spend one day filling that adjusters voice mail up..... you will either get lucky and catch them when they are off the phone......or get a call back b/c they are sick and tired of you filling up their voice mail.   When you leave voice mail messages.....leave nice ones  "I know you are busy... just thought I'd try you again".  Be sure to leave your phone number (with area code) and claim number in each message.

  3. Be honest,It is gonna take some time to find the answer for your question.Try to have a look the resource here for reference.

  4. If you do not have Collision coverage, your claims adjuster is not responsible for pursuing your third party claim.  The claims department and adjusters only handle claims for which you have coverage.   Meaning, if you are at fault for an accident, the will investigate the claim presented against you and handle it accordingly.   You are apparently a direct write with your insurance company.  Don't  expect the claims department to pursue your claim for you.  That is why some folks have insurance agents.  They do the leg work for you.  You may want to consider going through an agent, if you are uncomfortable with the claims process.

    May I suggest that you contact a supervisor from the adverse party to get the claim rolling.

  5. Yes they should be acting on your behalf, contact the ombudsman with your complaint, they should move things along for you.

  6. If you have  coll then yes.

  7. If you don't have collision coverage, your insurance adjuster is correct.  You need to handle it through the other party's insurance.  Your adjuster can legally only handle the coverages that you chose for that vehicle.

    If the other insurance is not returning your calls, I would first try to get in touch with a supervisor.  If you have no luck there then I would send a certified letter.  While your waiting get a few estimates for repairs so you have them when they contact you.

    They are not going to accept any liability until they receive a statement from their insured.  If they have a difficult time getting in touch with them or they don't make contact...they do have an option to decline your claim.

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