
When someone is walking around the office clicking the end of their pen, in&out and in&out, is it wrong?

by  |  earlier

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To take their pen away from them and stab them in the throat Joe Pesci style?




  1. if you're up a few stories i'd just shove 'em out the window, less mess to look at.

  2. I have been known to fly with get your OCDAss outta time I'm trying the Pesci thing.

  3. No, do it girl!

  4. Stabbing is never wrong.  I like to stab with my meat shiv.

  5. No jury in the world would convict you, Celeste.

  6. I was actually thinking stab them in the temple but your way is good too.  *putting down pen*

  7. Sorry, what was the question?

    Guido got distracted when you said 'in&out and in&out'.


  8. I with catz less mess

  9. *holds neck*

    you could've told me it was bugging you, Stabby McStabberton

  10. Yes, its wrong because the chances of them being able to keep breathing is good, you need to stab them in the temple

  11. Sounds like motive for assault with extreme predjudice.

  12. WOW...the throat huh....Hmmmm i was thinking more along the lines of the hand they were using to click the pen....but hey...what ever floats your boat darlin....

  13. Not wrong at all....make sure you don't miss though.  

  14. Yes it would be wrong, just take their pen and throw it across the room.  :)

  15. ha ha ha,that sounds a bit  extreme,just get a rubber band a a paper clip and zap em

  16. That's the only way some people learn.

  17. Yes, Just ask them to stop.

  18. I do that, Celeste.... walk around clickity-clacking my pen.  It makes me feel important and lets others know that I'm busy and in a hurry to get somewhere and do something more important than they will ever be.  Don't you know the ancient art of pen clickity-clacking is one practiced by only the most successful and smarterest people?  I'm sorry you can't be smart and successful like me.  Truly and deeply.

  19. No I go for the eye

  20. You may have some issues to work out.

  21. No, do not take the pen and stab them anywhere.  Just tell them politely to stop if it's bothering you so much.

  22. Now, now, my little chiquita banana girl.

    Calm yourself and let's discuss this rationally.

    *pats you on the head*

    Instead, why not let them know gently that their tap-tap-click-clicking of their pen is driving you freaking insane and that unless they stop it freaking immediately, you are going to poke them in the freaking eyes with a staple gun and shove their freaking pen up their freaking sausage-hole, Clint Eastwood-style.

    Now don't you feel better..?



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