
When someone leaves for basic (army) and is going to be there until jan. what do u do to keep from being bored

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and to stop crying because you miss them so much




  1. You are gonna need to learn to be independant.  Find some hobbies, make friends, find things that take your mind of things.  This is something you are gonna have to learn to deal with if you want to be with a person in the military.  You have to remember that its gonna be hard on them too, and that its not their fault if they have to be away from you.  Also remember that when he is gone, he may not have the time or opportunities to call you and write you as often as you would like, and try not to get upset with him over that, just let him know how much you appreciate when he does write or call.

  2. write to him every time you think of him, like i did when my (now) husband was in basic. show him how much you love him! and you can volunteer with your local USO and feel like you're doing something close to him :) hang in there sweetie!

  3. It's okay to cry because you miss someone. However, you can write that person in Boot Camp, everyday if you'd like. Go to some websites like They have videos that show you what an entire cycle of Basic is like. You can feel closer to that person knowing what their day is like. Also remember it's not forever.

  4. Keep your self busy find a job, join a gym that will keep you in shape and take some time out of your day

  5. boyfriend left for basic july16th....

    to keep me busy i just hang out with friends or

    just take a trip down to the lake with a best friend

    and just talk for the weekend.... at first its hard. i know.

    i cried everyday for a week and took sleeping meds. so i could sleep

    longer so time would pass by quicker. but thats no way to "handle" it.

    me && all the other army gf/wifes are with you on this

    one. just stay strong and you'll make it.... we all will =]

    hope this helped.

  6. Realize that your entire life should not revolve around one person and get out and get a life.  You can still love someone and be apart.  People do it every day.

  7. volunteer somewhere

  8. what I plan on doing is help out at my daughters kinder class, so I can be with my lil girl and help the school system that really sucks right now, thanks to arnold!!! Im to scared to get a job because I dont want to miss a single call!

  9. keep yourself busy, get a job... hang out with friends.... learn to del with it  - what are you going to do when he leaves for 12 months???? its the reality and being someones spouse or loved one its something ya have to deal with ......

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