
When someone make you upset what do you do?

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I am in the process of trying to manage my anger but how can I especially when people do and say stupid things.




  1. well..for me..i'll do something that can give me satisfaction so it can help me to feel good. i'll rearrange or clean up the house, pampered myself, sports and lotsa more. when i feel satisfied, i feel good cuz i know that i can do something good

  2. I only know what to do in my own case. For most things, if someone has pissed me off, I just ignore them. Or give really brief answers and resume drawing or whatever. Yeah, being passive-aggressive isn't always great for the person on the other end, but the reason I do it is because I don't stay angry for long, and once it has worn off I'm glad I hadn't said anything worth regretting.

    Maybe you could try indulging a bit in a hobby you enjoy?

  3. “Anger is temporary madness” says Osho… a very simple sentence which sums up the complex emotion…..but so many times one forgets oneself in rage…in despair and only the cause of the pain, hurt, anger, despair is floating in one’s minds………….anger is negativity and if some one is angry on you and tries to abuse you or hurt you ….it’s nothing more than transference of that negativity..and if I can stop the other person from making me angry or sad…then I have effectively stopped negativity entering my self or my soul… sounds easy in theory..much more diffcult to practice....but it's worth trying...  

  4. The best you can do is talk to people and tell them that makes you angry

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