
When someone says a person completes them?

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how do they complete you?




  1. Its like completing a happy story.  You find yourself so much in love with this person you couldn't consider life without them.  Of course you take the good and the bad that life gives us, but on a whole this person simply fills the spot as a soul companion.

  2. No one actually completes another person.  You have to be a whole person in order to love someone else.  What they mean is that when you are together for a long time, you start to think as one in many ways.  You are depending on each other for moral, emotional and physical support.  You function as a team, therefore together you build a life together, using the strengths of each other.

  3. When someone says that it is probably not a healthy thing. It is complicated and is not that easy. I believe that when someone says that that they are not whole themselves. They probably are lacking something inside that they feel the other fulfills.  

  4. may partner  completes  me .. because  i feel acceptance  not only  for what im  but  for  what im not as well

  5. there are certain aspects in which you have to be complete in yourself but in certain other aspects you may need the help of others

  6. my gf completes me when she is able to read my thoughts. i am not talking about s*x.

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