
When someone says "don't bottle up your emotions," what am I am really supposed to do instead?

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I have heard this frequently but get no advice on how to actually "unbottle" emotions. We can't just go yelling and screaming and crying everywhere! I have heard that talking it over with someone or writing in a journal can help. But is there anything else to do to really "deal with" emotions? What is your best practical advice?

And, do you have any personal experiences when letting go of certain emotions helped you in some way... OR any experiences when bottling it up was actually better?




  1. Don't listen to people their dumb. You shouldn't even listen to me.

  2. by keeping ur emotions in will cause u stress,,, let it out gracefully

  3. TALK to someone close to you that you trust....... If it's personal anyway. If it's someone that "upset" you, talk to them, let them know you are angry. You have every right to let them know.

    There is a time and place though. Sometimes it is necessary to hold back at that point and time... If you feel it's something you can't talk about, resort to writing it down in journals, etc. Another thing to consider is just "letting it go"... Is it really that significant? Are you hanging on to issues that are really not worth getting all worked up over.

    Personally for me, I pick and chose. I realize that there are MANY things that are going to upset or p**s me off, but you need to consider where it is coming from. If it's not that big of a deal, just shake it off and move on... If it's something that means a lot to you, then stand up for what you believe in... Don't let ANYONE treat you like a doormat!

    Best way to filter anger or stress..... Writing, walking, music, working out, etc... Anything that will help you get your mind off of it for a bit!

  4. Try yoga. Seriously. It may sound a little stupid, but it's really relaxing, and the deep breathing exercises diminish your worries and anger.

  5. I think, addressing the cause of the emotions is the most effective way of dealing with them.

    A "journal" is simply a method to deflect you emotions, but it doesnt fully deal with them.

  6. Many times, we keep our feelings hidden, deep inside, and we don't share them with anybody because we're afraid of what might happen if  we cry when we're sad (usually you don't just cry one time and that's it, these emotions are sort of tricky--they come out sloooowly),  yell if we're angry,  wring our hands if we're nervous, and so on.  I think people know how to express only a few emotions:  cry when sad, yell when angry.   I do believe that a person could be helped by having a counselor to talk things over with, get a fresh perspective, etc.  We all need to express ourselves without lying, yelling or hitting someone.

    Letting go is a good feeling, but sometimes, you have to figure stuff out yourself....

  7. Whenever bad emotions creep up, think quickly of something else. Turn the radio or TV loud, call a friend and talk about anything else, dance, etc.  If you do this often enough those bad emotions will go away.  I also try to get rid of negativity in my life - whether they are friends or situations that may affect me I remove myself.  Also there are things in the past that can be repaired (i.e., said something bad to someone and you regret it -- say you are sorry and move on.  If you flunked a test, take it again no sense in moping, etc.) there are other things that you cannot help - like broken relationship that are beyond repair - move on, no sense in moping, lost of a job - get another one. etc.

  8. no, someone saying "Don't bottle up your emotions" isn't necessarily saying for you to go out on a rampage of emotion.

    They're saying, more or less, to verbalize yourself. To get the emotions out in a healthy way.

    The best thing to do is when something orsomeone offends you to deal with it instead of letting it eat away at you.

    bottling up your emotions is never a good thing. It drives you crazy (not literally) and ends up becoming a bigger deal than it was to begin with.

    Hope that sheds some light for you.

    good luck

  9. When your upset with someone,it is best to let them know right away.Its not good to carry around negative feelings.It just draws in more bad feelings.I'm not saying to go physcho on someone,but letting them know that they have upset you,is the most healthful way to deal.With my first marriage (17 yrs) I kept everything bottled up,and acted like I was cool with everything he did.But that never works, for either person.Maybe there is someone you could talk to about things.Its better to talk over things,let it out.

  10. Un bottle your emotions by confronting the issue that caused them working through it and thereby dealing with it. If you can do that you can put the matter to bed and go on to the next one.

    Find ways to relax and learn how to breathe from your diaphram and release negative energy,

    Stay away from people and situations that cause to build up stress.

    Work stress can be inevitable but if you can find the source confront it, and deal with it effectively you can release it before it grows to a fire breathing dragon.

    If you are not comfortable confronting an issue find some one who will be supportive and moderate for you.

    Running or any other activity that makes you sweat will be helpful in releasing the toxins that pent up emotions will build up in you as will yoga and meditative sessions.

    Good luck .. !

    I hope that you  can find some ideas here,

    I personally find writing is the best way to release emotions that have been held hostage in your brain and solarplexis for too long.

  11. you always going running or wrokout to deal with your emotions or even you could get a pushing bag and that could help.

  12. When you bottle up emotions, they will eventually come out, but usually as anger.  The best way is to find something that works for you.  Whether that be listening to music, talking to a friend, praying, relaxing, breathing, exercising.  You have to find a way to get them out.  Talking to someone, whether it be a professional or just a friend, you should get them out.  Journaling is good too, or maybe you can write it out as music or poetry.

    Bottling it up is never a good idea, you resolve nothing and that isn't fair to you or anyone else....

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