
When someone says "u should tame me" wat does it mean?

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I was in the car with my baby daddy and my hand was on his shoulders and he comes tell me that i should tame him..but i didnt know what he meant? what does it mean to tame?




  1. Call me old fashion, but if you have Baby with the man.... shouldn't you

    a.  have him "tame" already

    b. be MARRIED?!

    wow, what is wrong with people...

  2. it means that he was trying to be cool and make it seem like he's "wild" or something lame that guys think is attractive.

    sounds pretty lame to me.

  3. Yeah, I agree with Landy.  He's just trying to flirt with you and make you think he's out there doing whatever with whomever, which a lot of guys think is attractive to girls.  To be honest, at a time in my life, I did think that was attractive.  But, I grew up and realized those guys are trying too much to be cool.  If he honestly felt any romantic feelings towards you (other than a hookup), I doubt that he'd use that approach...

  4. Do What Your Told Woman.

  5. It means he's immature and hasn't grown up yet doesn't want to tackle that responsibility himself so he's hoping to pass it off on someone else.

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