
When someone says something really nasty

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to someone else for no real good reason is it because someone has said that about them before...why do they want a reaction?




  1. Usually , from children , comments like

    " i hate you" to parents are linked to not getting there way.

    & even as a teenager or adult , things are said when things dont go the way they want it too.

    As a teenager myself , my friends get in to petty arguments with eachother because something isn't there way. or someone tried to say something , but it came out in the wrong context.

    And watching my married parents of 15 years argue.

    As amusing as it is. They call eachother some really bad names.But even i know they love eachother.

    & with a boyfriend of 6 months , we try to stop the qauralling of saying stuff nasty to eachother.

    The reasons are usually :

    not getting what they want.

    someone to take stress out on.

    someone did a little something wrong.

    & theres obviouslly alot more reasons.

    But they are my everyday things i come across.

  2. Because they have no respect!

  3. the person might loose their control and if they are so angry then they can say anything they dont mean, or else they dont understand they are hurting the other person  

  4. Many times, when a person is rude or "nasty" it is because they don't have a high opinion of themselves and the only way they can feel better than the next person is by trying to make the next person feel badly. When they say something to you again that it rude or hurtful, just tell them that you feel sorry for them and hope that someday they will get the love and positive attention that every person deserves. But don't let them keep treating you that way, either.

  5. I have someone who hangs round by me like this, ( he used to be my friend) He started taking the mic constantly at people when they werent around. It wasn't him joking, ( we can take jokes, as we laugh with them) But one time he said something really horrible about me, but my friends were wise enough to just tell him to shut up. He then decided to lie about me to my friends, but then no one believed him as he attention seeks ( like the boy who cried wolf) even though i hadnt done what he said anyway.

    They do it to get attention, or they are insecure about themselves and dont know how to's a weird and annoying thing.

  6. Its probably because they want attention or are showing off in front of their friends

    some people get a "kick" out of being horrible to others to

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