
When someone says you are good looking do you believe them?

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Has anyone ever said you are pretty and meant it? A lot of people dish out compliments to get one in return.

It's like you see a bunch of really fat ugly girls at a wedding or a party, and they're all telling eachother "OMG you look so pretty" "Aww that dress looks so nice on you" but you're like thinkin' "Wtf she looks the same as everyday" ....

Do you ever do that? Compliment people to make them happy, say they're pretty or good looking, when really you don't mean it?




  1. I always tell the truth especially in these kind of things but I try as much as possible no to be rude. So I am basically blurt not rude. To answer your first question yh so many people told me that but I don't believe all of them. I tend to believe the people that are not close to me...I find them more honest as they wouldn't care about how you would actually feel. Like once someone on the street told me that I am very pretty mashallah...I got angry at the beginning but then I thought...inshallah that is actually true!!

    Btw I hate hearing a lot of looses its taste when you hear it quite often.


  2. 'fat ugly girls'  lol, a bit mean.

    Well whenever someone compliments me, I always compliment them back and usually I dont meant it but I just want to make them happy.

  3. People love flattery. All religions warn against  feeding the ego.

    The entity that gets flattered or upset is the Ego (or shatan). not the real u.

    one T down!  Oh I know why. I shouldnt have said "All religions". I forget, only Islam is right.

  4. yea i believe them but then i feel obligated to say the same to them which on most occasions i really dont mean

  5. Yes, I usually believe them, unless it sounds shallow and inconsiderate. I mean I'm not gorgeous but it *is* harder to look decent in hijab than normal clothes so when someone compliments me I do take it to heart. I try not to be a sycophant but I do ocassionally exagerrate (like if an "ugly" person looks prettier than usual I say she looks good just so she understands that her efforts ARE noticed lol).

    Oook, masalams!

    P.S. CST u can just be quiet, ok?!?! >.< There are plenty of modelesque hijabis out there :) And even if they don't look so great, many can make up for it in intent, personality and strong will.

  6. No. I dont believe in flattery because you never know what is honestly going through their minds. yes i've done it before though >_< i try REALLY HARD not to do it lol, i just hate hurting peoples' feelings.

  7. i feel sorry for those fat girls, they shouldn't eat that much chocolate!!

  8. I believe my feeling about myself in this regard

  9. Yes, You should believe them and accept it by saying Thank you.

    By the way you should change your view of other fat or skinny people.  They are beautiful in some ones eye, so you should not think of anyone as ugly.  When you do that you will start believing others more and more about you.

    Evey one is beautiful in their own way.

  10. Yeah....if I mean it genuinely then they can tell from my tone of voice/excitement in my voice otherwise sometimes I just say it to be polite.

  11. If you're wearing a hijab or a turban then no, it's not true.

  12. yes and i think myself is hot 2!......i love the mirror...looks count a lot...

    but yes i wil compiliment someones clothes..even if its really ugly.........i usually dont compliment someone on their looks except if i actually believe they r pretty....

    oh yeah...fat girls r mostly ugly looking...its there fault they eat too much junk food.....FAT GIRLS GET OFF THE MCDONALDS....

    except if they have a disorder...

  13. i bet you get alot of compliments, right pakistani chap?

    and you get them from girls, right? come on, you can tell me.

    or you dont have to tell me, i know.

  14. All I know is that , If a lady asks you how she looks in her new dress , She just wants to hear your admiration , She doesn't actually need to know what you really think. Yup, pay attention!

  15. HAHAHA ROFL :P, and i never believe that when they say that to me

    whatever i say is from me heart, even when they look like a rusty old hag :P ROFL  but yea to tell u the truth, i always say oh yea ur lookin lovely today :P

  16. salam 2all...

    yeah i get it a lot so yes i believe them...

    but its not good to lie...

  17. i don't unless they ask me.

    example: "does this dress make me look fat?"

    i'll say, "noooooo." even if it makes them look fatter than before.

  18. Do you ever do that? Compliment people to make them happy, say they're pretty or good looking, when really you don't mean it?

    Well, I can't say I never done that before, but I don't do it anymore. I only say what I'm really thinking espically if they are my friends.  

  19. may u get even prettier in this holy month after posting yr question in Ramadhan Category

  20. I don't usually compliment people much.

    I'm like Simon Cowell, I only compliment people when I mean it and I don't compliment them just for the sake of it, I say it if I'm really impressed.

    When I do compliment people, I don't usually say things like "you are so pretty" I usually say things (to my friends) like "you are making me laugh" or "you clever b*tch" (when they get high grades).

  21. Yes, i believe them because they are strangers that come up to me and say it . I don't walk up to people and compliment them, I'm shy and i don't compliment back because that seems fake. like you are making something up only because they complimented you, and I'm not really good with strangers so even if i did mean it, it would look like I'm lying.

  22. lol no.

    i say that to my mom some times. but its so obvious im joking.

    lmao i don't even notice what people wear.


  23. I only believe my mirror and my own eyes and my doctor when he says I have internal sickness.

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