
When someone throws the race card does it make you feel like the victim of racial injustice and oppression?

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Cosidering its usually not you that theyre mad at and that you may have done nothing wrong dont you feel like the REAL VICTIM of racism? I mean whether their grievance is real or imagined doesn't it just ruin your day?




  1. It makes me attack them more because the idea is to shut you up. Thats why I go out of my way to get censored now, however I will report any one who says I am a racist becase I refuse to kiss the Messiah's a$$

  2. Your only a victim if allow yourself to be one when it comes to words.

    Tell them to build a bridge and get over it.

  3. Just reminds me that racism is a two-way street. The race card is only thrown out by ignorant and bigoted neanderthals. Especially in America were we all have equal rights. Stop blaming a damned pigment and work to reach your goals.

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