
When someone who is non-Asian race say I hate Asian. Does heor she has right to drive Toyota?

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My neighbor once shouted at me saying shorty Asian. I am 180 cm tall and he plays Nintendo and drive Nissan.




  1. I'd say that this isn't really a question, doll. Sounds to me that you're drawing attention to the contributions that people of asian heritage have given to society because you're hurt by his/her comment. I wouldn't let that person bother you. He/She is obviously ignorant about life.

  2. I do not hate Asians, but I will do everything in my power to avoid buying ANY "Asian" made products.  Has nothing to do with quality, as they make quality products, I just would rather keep my money in my country as much as I can so it STAYS my country.

  3. dumb ? lol. Haha, well I have asian friends who deive whatever they want

  4. It sounds like you've got a real problem going on.

    You have some sort of complex regarding race.

    Everyone who has a license has the right to drive a Toyota, no matter what their race is.

    Sorry to hear you have a racist neighbour.

    I've read some of your racist comments though, so I guess you'll just have to deal with it.

  5. Of course you will find hypocrasy all over the place, its something that us humans do really well. Don't let it get to you, its just what your neighbour said in a moment of "unthinkingness" and if you sat him down face to face and talked about it, would probably admit that he regretted his comments to you.

  6. You are so funny. They dont hate Nissan's, they hate asian people. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding, actually you will find out that most Americans, and this is sad even thought they might be racists, they are not going to give up buying foreign products, they are materialistic and bigots. Dont let it get to you dude. There are bad people everywhere, but there are a lot of good people too. I love the Asian people, they are smart and they are very hospitable, they love to entertain and they are gentle giving people.

  7. and one would have to do with the other because?

  8. and this has something to do with the price of tea in china?   lol

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