
When someone you thought you knew posts obscene or "naughty" pics, etc. on MySpace...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike do ****you**** respond? Sometimes I remove them from my friend space. Sometimes I tell them that I can't be associated with those images even before I "friend" them. But I still treat them with respect and maintain confidentiality even as I set this boundary. Live and let live, I always say.

Again, what is your response?




  1. MySpace doesn't allow naughty pix. They will delete the ones they find or even delete the account.

    If one of my friends posts pix, I do not delete them as friends. I might think they are a little trashy that they need to do such, but "live and let live"

  2. You are right. Leave them alone. You only want good associates, like me.

  3. if you're really offended by it, go to the specific picture page and in the bottom navigation bar, there's a link for report abuse, and you can report the pic for obscene content. and myspace will delete it and notify the user. and maybe more idk.  

  4. yh delete them and you could set comments so only friends can post you could do the same with messages aswell

  5. i would delete them as a friend and if they still continue to pester me, i would just block them and say "I'm sorry but i dont want to be involved with you if you post these pictures."

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