
When something in your life is bringing you down, remove it from your life or change your perspective.?

by Guest57814  |  earlier

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Someone answered my previous question with this and it resonated with me.

When is changing your perspective on something that's bringing you down more advantageous than removing it from your life?

Is it necessary to do both? If you only remove it from your life how can you change your perspective of it, or would you then need to change your perspective of the reasons you removed it as opposed to just changing your perspective of it without removing it?

[Can this question be any more confusing? Does anyone out there understand me.]




  1. My wife brings me down sometimes when she is down.  Changing my perspective is a vastly better than removing her from my life.

  2. Hey there.  I'm voting for changing perspective on this one.  Since it is not harming you physically, but 'bringing you down', it is more to do with the inner you.

    By taking away the power that you yourself give to others, you can limit their influence on you.  

    So smile, shake it off, and relax.  Life is too short to worry about the negative.

  3. Hope, I think you are tying yourself up in a knot!!

    I would suppose that changing your perspective would be more advantageous in a situation that is beyond your control, rather than attempting to remove it from your life. Eg.: you hate your boss, but you have a great job in a good company. Changing your perspective beats trying to find another job...

  4. You make it difficult and it is not.  It is easier to do nothing when you over think.

    I agree with the person giving the advice.

  5. Congrats!.......You've officially earned the title of "Hope, Empress of Confusion"  ;-p

  6. If that was the solution to every problem, that must mean I'm supposed to "get rid of" my boyfriend, friends, and family members every time we have a disagreement.  

    Having a positive perspective is helpful in most situations, but sometimes it's necessary to be skeptical.  I think it's different for every person, and you simply need time for trial and error.

  7. Changing your perspective means selling out your true values and nature.  You have just one life.  Be totally true and honest to yourself and others.  The other answers here are depressing.  They act like slaves selling themselves short.

  8. Good question, I would identify specifically what the prevailing reasons for  the negative effect.  Then with logic and reason common sense,and  God given thinking ability, come to the less costly compromise. ....

    .....or just chunk it.

  9. I would gauge the potential damage factor of said "downer" first.  If it is potentially damaging to your wellbeing, chuck it.  If not, first try changing your perspective.  If that doesn't work, then it's gone.

    Perhaps changing your general perspective will help prevent more things from getting you down.  Happiness is a state of mind.

  10. Somethings bring you down that you can't remove yourself from, so I say remove yourself from what you can, but if you can't get use to it. Death is a good example.  

  11. Life is overwhelming sometimes and s**+ you wished you could do away with for that moment you cant some you can. I say confusion is not gonna get the best of me. When in a confused state.


    If that does not work I will drive you personally to icys balcony darling.

    Meditate and reflect and change what you can and fck what you cant. smile and wave darling you look lovely.

  12. I guess somethings you cant remove from your life. You know.. like when history come back to haunt us.. but then changing your perspective on those things can also be difficult...

    So if we are limited to things that we can remove frmo our lives.... like mother in laws, just by way of example... you know.. I love her and all but she can be a real pain... especially when she wont go back to the woodshed when she gets loose.. but as you say.. I just change my perspective... and tie her to the balcony railing. Problem averted... and there's no need to get rid of her. Everyone's a winner.

  13. I get ya.

    It really depends on the person and the situation. Some choices are hard and there are no black and white answers.  

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