
When something is recorded in a CD -we say "burn" the CD. Why ?

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Why this word is "burn" is used to copy something in a CD by NERO?




  1. Because the information is "Burnt" onto the disc using a laser.

  2. 2 reasons...

    1) The laser that records the data actually melts the dye to create holes in the opaque layer meaning the laser can reflect from the reflective layer.

    2) "Nero fiddled while Rome burned". Nero Burning Rom(E). It's a pun. Get it?

  3. the word burn comes from the fact that a laser light is actually burning the information onto the disc   the word burn came first then the company named itself Nero  like the man in Julius Caesar  "rome burned while Nero fiddled"

  4. A lazer burns, doesn't it?

    Isn't there a little lazer inside your CD recorder?

    Isn't this what is used to encode data?

    Yep, it's 'cause of the intense burning of the beam of light used to make CD's.

  5. It's called "burning" because that is what happens.  A laser burns pits into the CD.

    Nero is so-called because the process is burning - and Nero did something when Rome was burning....

  6. because of how it works and the process, is the very basic answer as the unit contains a laser which "burns" the data to the disk.

    so thats how it copies / writes the information.

  7. Ermm... i think it might be because theres a laser that 'burns' the information onto the CD

  8. nero burning room its used cause thats what the programs use so we just copy them :D

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