
When somone says Ethiopia what do you think of?

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i just want to know. plus is there anone who wouldnt date somon becaus eof wher thy where from or something else theycouldnt hlp. Just interested, be truthful.




  1. I think of beautiful people, an old Christian Orthodox country, WW2 and I see their flag infront of me.

    I'm from Turkey- I don't know what "race" I am. I dont think of that

  2. i think of africa. i dont date people from different countries because i dont like foreign accents. i know its weird...

  3. Oh my God,

    How can the most technologically advanced nation have people that don't even know their geography or their economics??? Answer: immigrants! It's the immigrants that do the jobs for them. And they have the gall to whine about other races? Man, has it been so long that they have forgotten about the Santa Maria? About the Mayflower? Have they forgotten that they took it all from the Native Americans? Have they forgotten the slaves that built a nation on their backs? Do they have so much disrespect for others that they don't even bother to learn about them? Let's see all the c**p that's been said on this page:

    1. I can not believe that Germnay 'decimated' us. Like that kid in 'South Park' said : "Dude, seriously, WTF???" Ethiopia was the beacon of Independence because it was NEVER 'decimated.' It's a nation that showed that the 'white gods'' arses could be kicked too, not once, not twice or thrice but FOUR times! And that's just the Italians!

    2. Someone said we do not produce anything...Hmmmm, ever thought where your morning coffee came from? You had a 'Boston tea party' and switched to coffee to p**s the Queen off. Ever since then you've been drinking something that is Ethiopia's main produce. Except like you usually do, you don't want to pay or acknowledge it. Starbucks didn't start to toe the line until a couple of years ago. You've got a nation that's mad about leather... Ever thought where that came from? Read up. Or shut up!

    3. Yes, we are a nation that's poor but proud. We've been busy fighting invaders over and over so much that we had to let the luxuries slip by. But we're catching up. Look at the economy today. NO, don't watch CNN or BBC. Come and actually see it. We're a happy nation that's growing fast. Those images that you have are what the world preached and used in the 80's. Move on.

    What's the obssession with Ethiopia and Ethiopians? Why are you so interested and curious about us? Ask yourselves that.

    As for me ... I think I'm going to listen to an old Maddona song, 'Gambler' I think it's called ...goes something like:

    "'re just jealous coz you can't be me ..."

    One Love !!!


  4. A nation in Africa.  

  5. Poverty and genocide. That's where Darfur is, isn't it?

    I'm from the US and I'm White.

  6. actually aahaha I just clicked on this question because i saw Ethiopia and my boyfriend was actually born there. him and his brother live with his aunt here in portland oregon but his mom still lives there and he's actually paying a visit to her right now we have to talk over the internet because it cost so much to txt from here to there so we also use calling cards but anyways no in my personal opinion love has no gender or no race if I find someone that makes me happy I'm going to be with them no matter what race they are. love sees no color. just my opinion. I'm white and i'm from portland, oregon.

    oh and I think of poverty :( and poor starving children :(( and a lot of people I love (my boyfriend, his mom and syblings) hope I answered your question

    but some parts of it are civilized. it's not all like the bush people.

  7. Ethiopia is a poor country with no infrastructure and they do not manufacture anything. They are a third world country.  When someone says the word Ethiopia then I think that this person may have little education. I'm sorry but the Ethiopians that live in the same country that I currently live in, usually have blue-collar jobs. Most of them are maids.

    But no one should judge someone because of race, color or religion.

    However, people do it. I do it sometimes. One can't help themselves I suppose. But I never disrespect anyone because of their race, but if I don't exactly like someone's race, I will turn away without being rude.

    I can't marry an Asian guy for example and so I don't get involved with any Asian man, emotionally but that doesn't mean I don't mingle with them.

    I am from Lebanon but raised in Australia. I live in the Gulf

  8. The first guy's an idiot, Darfur in Sudan.

    Honestly, the first thing that comes to my mind is injera. I love injera. I wouldn't date anyone just because of where they were from. I am from the USA and I am Indian (India-Indian not Native American).

  9. Brad and Angelina's daughter Zahara ( : Manhattan (NY) I'm black and Asian.

  10. starving beautiful black babies :(

  11. Poverty, but I think they are beautiful people...think of Iman, the supermodel.  

    I am from the South East US...and am a minority.

  12. I think of hunger, poverty, Haile Selassie, Rastafarianism, and Germany decimating them in World War II.

  13. Starving people. Low resources.

    My mother used to always say 'Your eyes are bigger then your stomach. You are wasting your food. If you don't eat it all right now, you have to go mail it to Ethiopia.'

  14. An ancient civilization.     I'm in Arizona.  /

  15. I'm not surprised by these answers.

    First thing that comes to mind is

    My Family.

    My family, lives in Ethiopia

    I'm Ethiopian.

    I love who I am and my culture and it hurts to hear what people say about my country.  

  16. Lately, the first thing I think of when I hear Ethopia is my crazy college advisor. He's completely useless! Not because he's from Ethopia or anything like that, he's just naturally crazy. I also think of Africa (obviously) and a lack of food. Yummy food from this place in Richmond.

    America. White/Native American

    And guy who thinks Ethopia is where Darfur is. No, it's in Sudan.

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