
When strangers ask me if im a gujarathi, what does it mean?

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i'm an indian hyderabadi girl...but i have had 4 random strangers ask me if i was gujarathi!! what does that mean?...what do gujarathis look like? is there some distinct physical feature that gujarathis have?? i dont know what to think when people ask me this!!! any help would be welcome! :)




  1. I have no idea.  I think you should tell them "no," since you are not sure.

  2. They are probably just generalizing. They probably know a little bit about culture and want to act like they know more than they do and not just say "you look Indian".


    This has info.

  4. Gujurat is a part of India and people who come for there are Gujurati. Gujarati people tend to have their hair in plats, often wear sarees with trainers usually, have semi-wide noses and

    fairer skin than most indians, they also have strong accents.


    those are some pics of gujaratis.

    mostly its the eyes/eyelids that is the main feature they all share.

  6. idk

  7. The structure of your face might resemble gujarathi. They are just dark in color.

  8. May be the people who asked you if you are a Gujarati, might be from Gujarat , staying in Hyderabad and eager  to meet their own people  and talk  in their  mother tongue.

    Any way , it is a compliment! Gujarat is are good looking and friendly  natured people.

  9. I believe the term is: Gujarati and it's not a bad thing,  

    Quoted from

    Gujarati people are primarily located in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent,

    This is the url for more info:

  10. Hi, I'm Gujarati. Gujarati isn't a "race" or ethnicity. Its just a language. My mum is really dark and Gujarati while my dad is really fair and Gujarati so physical features among Gujarati's vary.

  11. well i've had people ask me if i'm from and arabic country but im pakistani.

    all you u have to do is get over people asking you bcz maybe you do look like them. i don't know about their distinct features!

  12. probably its more popular then what you are and that's all they know.  

  13. Hi, I suppose you speak telugu, just like me.

    People think that you are a gujarathi, because you look like one. They dont have on speacial quility, but most of them, are skinny, with light skin.

  14. the Indo-Aryan language of Gujarat and neighboring regions in northwestern India

  15. Gujarat is a state in India, so they ask if that's where you're from.

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