
When stretching your ear are you suppose to put the taper in very fast or slowly??

by Guest60145  |  earlier

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which ones better so your ears can shrink back, im planning on going to 00




  1. I tried doing it slowly and i found it just didnt work.... I dont think you should have any problems if you do it fast and get it over and done with as long as you are leaving your ears long enough between stretches and dont go up in really massive jumps...

    I went up in 1mm jumps and i did like a 3-2-1 push countodwn coz when i tried doing it slowly, it just took ages and ended up not really working and hurting heaps...

    something i found that helped when stretching up was kinda trying to stretch the ear lobe with a weight or like pulling it a little bit and it just makes your ear that little bit looser and easier to stretch.

    You could try using a lubricant to slide it in which does work but i didnt do...

    If you stretch to 00g, and you do them at a rasonalble pace, they SHOULD grow back but theres no guarantee...

    They probably wont stretch back to like a normal 18g size but they should go down enough to wear normal earrings...

    Another thing that would affect the healing of your ears is your age and how well you care for them. If you are a teenager or fairly young, i think they would heal abit better then a middleaged person... Also if you dont clean them, they will get really infected and gross... not pretty... i am a really big advocate for cleaning piercings because literallly every one of mine has gotten infected at some stage...

    One thing i must suggest: when you decide you want normal ears again, i would slowly put back smaller and smaller gauges in because this way they will slowly heal around each size nicely. If you just take it out and leave it, you may find the ear will try really hard to heal itself and kinda grab onto any part of your ear it can instead of shrinking evenlly and this could leave you with more of an uneven slit in your ear then a hole...

    Goodluck with the stretching


  2. If you want to guarantee that your ears won't rip i'd do it slowly. It's a lot easier if you put some aquafor or whatever that c**p is or something like it on the taper. A lot of people like to just do it fast like a bandaid and get it over with but that can cause tearing, as i've witnessed on one of my friends. Good luck.

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