
When stripping off old wallpaper I found old paint underneath which will only partly come off. Please help.?

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Now we have large areas of clean plaster and even larger areas of plaster covered in old emulsion paint. Some of the paint we have been able to scrape off and some we haven't. We would like to paint the room afterwards, not wallpaper it again. Any tips appreciated.




  1. You'll need to skim coat the painted areas with drywall mud ,sand and then apply a primer. We had to do this to our home when the wallpaper was glued directly to the drywall and I ripped off the drywall paper. You can also leave the remaining wallpaper up (if any is left) and paint directly over it with an oil based paint.

  2. The best way is to line the walls with good quality lining paper using the recommended adhesive, butt jointing the pieces. This will give you a uniform background which you paint over for the final finish. Subsequent decoration will just involve repainting. Done properly you won't know it has been papered.

  3. So?  The problem?   You got the wallpaper off.  Now wash off the wallpaper glue.   Use warm water and a sponge.   Wash off what washes off.  Maybe use a scraper on it if it is softening some.   Then let dry.   If surface still has glue on it and is lumpy, you are either going to have to dry scrape it or sand it off with sandpaper to make the wall smooth.

        The old paint does not matter.   It stuck just fine.  Just like the plaster.  Leave it alone if it is not "falling off like dandruff".   Get the walls smooth.  If, in the cleaning process, of sanding and scraping, you have gouged the plaster wall, then get some drywall mud, or spackle and fill in the gouges and let it dry and then block sand the wall smooth.         Now the wall should be ready for primer.  Use Alkyd primer because there is probably still glue on the walls.  This primer sticks better than latex primer.  Let dry a day Next day put on a latex (use Eggshell sheen in whatever color you want)

  4. As a house painter I can tell you it can be a big job to take on. First scrape off old paint from the wall, then put a coat of oil base primer then after a day or so after start spackling the walls where the paint came loose you can buy a per mixed spackle. The oil base will keep it from becoming loose from the wall. After that put your finish coat of paint over the walls. Make sure you prime the areas first where you spackled and let dry. In this case by using the primer first the spackle will adhered better to the wall then applying the spackle first, which is done before a primer or painting is started. This way in doing it will give you a chance  to keep the walls from peeling while you fix them.

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