
When submitting a press release to reporters by email, any special formatting and what to put in subject line?

by Guest57252  |  earlier

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Do I put ATTENTION (editor/reporter name) in the top of the email? Do I just put an attachment or do I also put the press release in the email? What is professional?

Do I call it a media advisory or press release?




  1. I don't know what you are announcing but I would find out the editors name and use it.  If it is a local paper I would go there and hope for an interview because that beats a press release hands down.  For the subject line (I am not trying to be smart here) I would put the subject.  Local authors book...home grown girl wins beauty contest...whatever the subject is.

  2. A media advisory is a tip and solicitation for press coverage which would include a contact's name and mobile phone number to facilitate news media requirements.

    A press release is actually what you would like to see in the local newspaper.  If you can craft the release to look like a news feature, you have a better chance of getting the release published the way you would like to see it.  The less work that has to be done at the newspaper the better the chance of seeing your release in print without changes.

    Keep the lead down to 30 words and just explain your situation.

    Email the release to both the section editor and the reporters who normally cover your area of interest.

    Hope this answer helps you.

  3. The best way to get an editor to read your news release or media advisory is to have a concise description of the story in the subject line of the e-mail.  Do not simply put "story for submission" as your subject line.  The e-mail will get lost or ignored.  

    If you are sending a media advisory, get to the point quickly with the who, what, when, where and why answered in the first couple of sentences.  The purpose of a media advisory is to convince an editor to send one of his or her reporters to cover your event, so make sure you sell the event to them.  If you really want coverage, do not be afraid to follow-up your e-mail with a personal phone call to the assignments editor.

    If you are submitting a news release, make sure you follow the Associated Press style of writing, and keep it simple.  If the editor or reporter has to put too much effort into your release to make it publishable, it will be ignored.

  4. Most papers will have a format they like to see somewhere on their website (under "how to submit" or something like that).  

    Do *not* include the press release as an attachment; type it directly into the email.  

    It also depends what kind of press release you are preparing.  If it's a general kind of business announcement, here's a pretty good description:

    If it's for a performance or event, you need to put, on separate lines, Title of performance, When/Where it is, the admission, the press contact number, the public contact number/website address, then a brief description of the event.

  5. You may know more about how an editor may post news at

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