
When surfing is there another way besides pumping to get more speed down the line?

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When surfing is there another way besides pumping to get more speed down the line?




  1. well, dropping down always gives you more speed. For smaller waves, I guess going the exact direction of the wave should give you more speed as well.

  2. mhmm pretty much agree with hb snake

    pumping can get you really tired and doesn't really make you got that faster

    you can do s turns

    its when you go all the way down to the bottom of the wave and move ur board all the way to the top or when you get into the pocket

    but yahh

    on mick fanning has a video of hime teaching someone to get the most power out of a wave by doing this

    its on like trick tips or something

    goood luck!


  3. Turn toward the beach, drop down and lean you weight on your front foot. That will even work in the smallest wave, if the wave has enough energy, if not, your stuck in the soup.

  4. If the wave is at least waist high, try dropping straight down and then throwing all your weight slightly up and forward.  When you get to the lip, stay high in the steepest part of the wave.  You won't need to pump as hard.  Also, if you want to get an Ariel, just turn a little steeper and then cut back just as the front of your board leaves the lip.

  5. Instead of pumping just when you lose speed, turn up to the face of the wave, and slightly head down, this will give you speed.

  6. If you are on a short-board stay high on the waves- if you are on a longboard walk up closer to the nose and you should accelerate.

    Check out my website....

  7. when you pop up angle you drop alittle and carve up and down the face. also when you get to the top of the wave when your carveing push on your front foot then go down.

    then keep doing that

  8. On a longboard, you'd want to get in perfect trim.  You need to find the sweet spot on your board where you get the most speed, too far back and the wave will catch up to you.  Too far forward and you'll just pearl, unless you're high enough in the wave for nose riding.

    And you'll also need to get in the perfect spot on the wave.  You basically want the board locked in the wave.

    On a shortboard, without using a twinnie or quad or pumping, gravity is your friend, as is the pocket of the wave.  Almost anytime you get the board pointing towards the shore or angled down, you'll gain speed.

    But honestly, the most fun I've ever had with just getting pure speed is by using a twinnie or quad.  I didn't like them at first until I saw my uncle riding one, who then showed me some footage of Dave Rastovich and the Malloys riding them.

  9. no

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