
When taking an oath...?

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...why do we swear on a Bible?

Since I am unsure of the existence of a Deity (presuming it has something to do with the Bible), can I request tangible proof of existence before taking the oath?

If I am ever in a situation where I am required to take an oath, is it still valid?

This is not a joke, I'm quite serious about this. I am opposed to taking oaths or making promises of any kind.




  1. No worries, you can ask not to take the oath on a bible, in fact in California, there is no bible used.  Just raising the right hand and swearing to "Do you swear the testimony you are about to give will the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth"  The bible days are pretty much gone.  Just let the attorney know you will not swear an oath on a thing you do not believe in.

  2. What has the existance or non-existance of a deity have to do with swearing an oath?

    You are promising to tell the truth, that's all.

    In a US court, if you object to the term "swear" then instead of "I solemnly swear that the evidence I will give will be the truth" you can say "I solemnly affirm that the evidence I will give will be the truth".

    It makes no difference which word you use - in fact almost the only people who refuse to use the word 'swear' do so on religious grounds.

    EDIT.... No Bible is used to swear in a US court, and hasn't been for many years, and nor does the oath make any reference to God.


  3. Because Christianity used to be the only religion in England/France/Europe, and thats where our Justice System has its roots, both Canada and U.S.

    Your opposed to taking oaths and making promises? Fine, but when you testify in court, you gotta tell the truth.

    Seriously, you can't ask that you not swear the oath in court, thats not how it works.

  4. Because of custom. It's how court has been run since well before America was colonized. It is not (and constitutionally cannot) be required to take an oath on the Bible. Other religious texts as well as no book at all may be used.

  5. The framers of our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence were very pious individuals. The did recognize though that religion was supposed to be the purview of each individual.

    As a result of these thoughts, they advanced the First Amendment to the Constitution.

    This amendment allows the exercise of freedom of religion. When an individual uses a Holy book to take an oath, it is of their choosing.

    When I was a Notary Public for the state of Maryland and had to administer oaths, I would have the person swearing raise their right hand and repeat "I do solemnly swear or affirm the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge."

    I let the individual decide which words to use either "Swear" or "Affirm."

    As has been stated previously, an actual Bible has not been used in years in a courtroom to swear or affirm to tell the truth. The Court Reporter in some cases swears in the individual by simply stating "Raise your right hand and repeat after me...."

  6. That ritual is a farcical throwback 2 medieval times ! Do it & laugh 2 yourself !

  7. Do you have a mortgage, or a lease, or a credit card, or a job?  These contracts are simply the written legal version of an oath or promise.  When you sign the mortgage papers, you are making an oath to repay all the money you are borrowing.  Same with a lease - a promise to pay the rent on time, and fulfill the other parts of the lease.  I can go on.

    No bible has been used in court for many years.  All you are doing is affirming what you say as testimony is completely true, all of it, and only the truth.

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