
When taking antidepressants why are you advised not to drink alcohol?

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does it stop them working?? does it make you more drunk?? what happens when taking antidepressants and you drink?




  1. i dont know, you get completely caned, or maybe i did anyway. i know some people drink more on antidepressants, i could drink over four bottles of wine in one night and still go out dancing. i cant think of anything more depressing than giving up drink, much rather drop those junk pills they suck.  nothing really happens, tho u can get black outs.

  2. Alcohol is a depressant - the whole point of taking anti depressants in the first place is too lift your mood!

  3. Mixing prescription medication and alcohol could result in bodily harm or even death. Never mix any medication with alcohol.

  4. There are a few reasons.

    1. Alcohol is a depressant, it will psychologically counteract the effect of the antidepressants making them less likely to help your depression.

    2. Both alcohol and antidepressants act on the liver, the alcohol will stop the antidepressants working as well on a biochemical level. Also taking both long term can damage the liver.

    3. Due to the above, alcohol and antidepressants together can be very dangerous. You will get drunk quicker and easier. You may not realise it and get yourself into dangreous situations- driving, risk taking etc.

    It's best to stay off alcohol until you've finished the tablets. However 1-2 drinks every now and then shouldnt impact too much.  

  5. Alcohol is a MAJOR depressant, so your working against your medication

  6. Apart from some of them reating negatively with the alcohole, the reason why you never mix anti-depressants and alcohole is that the alcohole will neutralise the positive effects of the medication.

    Im my case I take a cocktail of medication, one of which, valproate, will react with any alcohole in my system and will attack my liver and kiddneys. In sufficient dosage it can be leathal. I take it for epliepsy and to also help with sever depression and the alcohole will neutralise the postive effects of the drug. Valproate is a medication that about half the people who take it have a bad reaction to it and need to take an alternative medication.

  7. Alcohol does two things, firstly it absorbs into the blood stream quite quickly and can carry active ingredients from other drugs with it, making their effect a lot worse. Secondly Alcohol is a depressant so it's not a good idea to take with anti depressants :)

  8. alcohol reduces the effect of the antidepressant and can incur

    other mental health problems it can also escalate your depression

    to a lower more server level as alcohol is a depressant

    always check with your doctor as in some cases and the type of medication you are taking can be ok for a very little small amount of alcohol in safe and advised amounts

  9. Alcohol is a depressant.

  10. Ive been doing it for years,its ok in moderation.I think it gets you drunk faster.It makes you more drunk.

    Once I took the powder from two prozac and mixed it with vodka orange.,not big or clever.

  11. No your not supposed too, it makes you more depressed and you get drunk easily

    you also can have bad reactions which can lead to life concerns.

    hope ive helped

  12. Alcohol itself is a depressant and can minimise the effect of the antidepressant or counteract with the ingredients in the medication. It isn't recommended for anyone who is clinically depressed

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