
When taking chicken out of the freezer and putting it in the fridge how many days can you leave it in....?

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the fridge before it going bad




  1. Depends on how it is wrapped, or unwrapped.

    If it is sealed in an airtight plastic thing until you use it.  And I mean airtight sealed.  Any other way, 3 days max, and that's ziploced or wrapped tightly in plastic.  It gets a funk.  If you marinate it in something tame, like Italian dressing, you can make it four, but you're pushing it.  You're not really supposed to refreeze it either.  I do sometimes at home, but I never would at work.

  2. No more then two or three days.. Any longer and it begins to get slimy and gross. I once left chicken in the fridge for five days and I opened it and it smelled horrible, even though it was still packaged and never opened and in the fridge all that time... You have to figure from the day they butcher it to the day you buy it, it begins to decompose. Freezing it only slows down the process.. Sorry to be gross.

  3. Did you put it in before the sell by date?  If it was in maybe a few days before sell by date i would add those days plus 2 for being past the date.

  4. You should cook it as soon as it is defrosted. That's when bacterias start to multiply very fast.

  5. If it is still frozen when you put it in the fridge,I would say 3 days because you figure it's not going to thaw that fast in the fridge,it might even still be a little frozen in he middle after 3 days but I definately wouldn't leave it longer than that because of the risk of foodborne illness and being poultry.And just a reminder in case you didn't know this you should ALWAYS thaw meat on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator (this is in case any blood drips it doesn't contaminate food.)and also raw eggs should be stored on the bottom shelf if you don't have an egg keeper in the door of your fridge.Because anything that is contaminated with raw egg and/or blood from any type of meat has to be thrown away because of foodborne illness risks.  

  6. Rule of thumb is that it will take about 24 hours to defrost, but in my refrigerator, it takes about 48 hours to completely defrost.  

    In all, I'd say three days max.  

  7. As a rule of thumb, you should never trust food left in the fridge for more than a week.  However, past two days, make sure it smells alright before cooking.

    There is actually a better way to thaw your chicken than putting it in  the fridge for a couple of days.

    Put your chicken in a bowl or pot large enough to hold the chicken and lots of water.  Fill the container with cold tap water.  Leave the water running at a reduced rate, allowing the container to overflow.  Your chicken should be thawed in an hour or less.


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