
When taking out a nose piercing, can i just pull up on the nose ring..?

by  |  earlier

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or should i put my finger inside my nose and sort of do both?

btw, how much will it hurt to take it out the first time?

btw, i have those L shaped nose rings that don't unscrew or anything

thanks in advance




  1. don't pull wiggle it takes time but if you pull you could hit a blood vessel which would be worse.  

  2. I kind of do both [:

    Put your finger like up your nose, and push it up, so theres some sticking out where you would put it,

    and then just pull it out..

    it honestly doesnt hurt much at all, it starts hurting when you get the bigger ends on the nose rings, and its two different sizes,

    you would think it'd hurt to take out the L shaped one,

    but honestly it just kinda slides its way out [:

    hope I helpedddddddddd

  3. How long have you had it done? Noses heal up very quickly if they haven't yet fully healed. If you unsure about it go back to your piercer, I'm sure he/she will be happy to help.

  4. If it's all healed and ready to take out, my recommendation is to take your thumbnail underneath the head of the nosering (the jewel part) and give a very gentle tug upwards. If that doesn't move it, then you're at the wrong angle. Try again from the side, then the top-down, then the other side, and then try other angles.

    Because it's L shaped at some point you will get the right angle and it should come out. the turn in the L shape sometimes feels funny but shouldn't hurt too badly.  

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