
When talking about a "right hand break" ??

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is that when your standing on the shore looking out and the wave is breaking to your right?, or when your out on the line up and you surf to the right?




  1. A right is looking from the wave facing the beach. Here's the definiton in the surfers dictionary:

  2. everything, like in skiing, is from the perspective of the surfer. a right hand break will be a break that the surfer takes towards the right when they are facing the shore (or reef, ledge, sandbar, etc) paddling for the wave.  if your bottom turn is to the right then it is a right hand wave, though this isnt taking into account a fade takeoff since the initial turn then would be to the left, but thats getting ahead of this question.

  3. mate its when ur out in the surf its a left or right its the oppisite on the shure line

  4. While you are sitting on you board, looking at the beach, a wave that breaks from your left to you right is a RIGHT hand break. The opposite, of course, is a LEFT. Rights tend to be more fun for people who are 'regular footed". That is, your left foot is toward the nose of the board and your left to the rear. That way, while you are riding, you are looking at the wave right in front of you. You can better see "where you are going." For a goofy footed surfer (right foot forward), you are riding a RIGHT,  "backside" that is, you are facing the beach, with the face of the wave behind you.

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