
When talking about your unborn child...?

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do you always seem to refer to it as a "he" or "she"?

Do you think its because secretly you want a boy (if saying "he" or vice versa for a girl) or your mother instincts tells you its a boy/girl??




  1. For the first trimester - we called her "Emilio the Embryo".  She was always refered to by her proper name.  "Emilio is making me nausaus today" "Emilio messes with my hormones something fierce".

    At week 12 (i think it was), we changed it to "cepheus the fetus".  Same thing, always refered to by the proper name.  

    At 22 wks, we got the ultra sound and found out it was a girl.  From that point on - it was "she", "the monkey", or... "Lady Long Legs" as my mother calls her (LLL).  

    I always wanted a girl, my fiance wanted a boy.  We used Emilio and cepheus - not because they were masculine, but becaused they rhymed.  

  2. Haha that is so funny.  I always caught myself doing that.  And so did my family.  They always said "you dont know what you are having yet" I just assumed it was a boy, and since the day I found out I was pregnant I just knew that it was.  And when I was 15 weeks pregnant, I found out it was indeed a boy.  I guess a womans intuition is correct.

  3. I always referred to him, as a 'he' even when I didn't know it was a boy.

    I stuffed up in front of the in laws though. They didn't want to know what the gender was, but I kept slipping saying "Yeah, He's doing good"

    Dang it.

  4. i findout the s*x on the 13th and i been saying her alot. I want a girl but, everyone says it is a boy...i guess i gotta wait and see

  5. we just called her peanut for the whole pregnancy. I wanted a boy. oh well :D lol maybe next time  

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