
When testing with an ovulation kit, saliva or pee?

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Which is better? Are the genarics for clear blue easy just as good as the clear blue easy digital?




  1. I personally have never used one that required saliva.  I have the clearblue opk which requires urine.  I highly recommend it.  It helps big time!!! I got mine on ebay too and saved tons of money.  My doctor had suggested I look on ebay and I'm glad I did.  Baby dust to you

  2. Use the urine tests instead of the ferning saliva kits. They're more reliable.

  3. I think the test sticks are easiest. I would go with a name brand test but it probably doesn't matter.

  4. A saliva fertility test is very cost effective if you know how to use it.  I found one for $25.  You only have to buy it once, it is reusable for years.  The ovulation stick predictors are like $20 for 7, which is only for one month.  

    You put some spit on the little lens when you wake up, let it dry, and then look at it through a little hole with a light behind it.  You need to focus it so you can see the ferning.  Then you clean it off and put it away for tomorrow.

  5. i have presonally not used a saliva ovulation test but i find the pee ones are pretty good but you would be carefull as to check the expiary date as they give a false reading if out of date.

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