
When that "Plane" "crashed" into the Pentagon, did the Shoggoth that was ?

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trapped inside, escape?




  1. To all those people crying 'insensitivity' over a 9-11 joke. GET OVER YOURSELVES. Bad things happen. People get over it. Sometime people make a joke about things to show they are over it, or to help get over it. Sometimes they aren't affected and the joke is just funny. This is obviously a reference to a brilliant pop-cult book - llluminatus Trilogy. If you don't understand it doesn't mean you can attack the questioner, ad hominen is the resort of the weak arguement.

    Anyway, to answer the question... No, only the outside walls where broken, the internal pentagon remained intact. If the Shoggoth had escaped then it would have heralded madness and panic that would have swept out from America to the rest of the world... Oh... Hang on...

  2. When you hear Terms  like no fly Zone what do you think I think that anbody who flys into that zone will be shot down so how come the richest Country couldnt do something they have the cabability of doing After all dont they allways say you protect your homeland first and foremost

  3. They showed a missile going into the Pentagon Never was a plane.

  4. It was a plane. It did crash  

  5. Yes, but Buffy and the s****. gang took care of it.  

  6. Yeah, 9-11 jokes are great - and the conspiracy theory you are "alluding" to is even more rediculous - listen to the eye witness accounts of hundreds of people who didn't work for the government.

    Go get a life dork.

    (who even knows what a shoggoth was besides a dork? I had to wiki it.)

  7. I don't even remember seeing a picture of a plan in the pentigon

  8. It could have. Given that the 'shoggoth' was similar to those who exist in the Cthullu Mythos, that is. A shoggoth's natural form is that of a large pool of plasma so, it is possible that 'it' just reverted back to this form when the plane crashed.

    That being said, I think it is incredibly insensitive of you to cross realities like you have and insult the memory of all the people who died and/or gave their lives in the 9-11 terrorist actions. You and all the other flippant people should have more respect for the dead and for those whom were left behind to deal with the aftermath.

    I realize this is a 'myth & lore' section but, there's no need to be a 'golden @ss!'

  9. Since a Shoggoth is a fictional entity and the incident was real I'd guess it could not escape since that would involve its existence in our universe.

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