
When the 2nd coming of Jesus happens...?

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Do you think he will be furious because what we practice now is nothing like his idea of Christianity, the Catholic church hides and modifies the books of wisdom, the bible as it sees fit. And Christians such as the Oranges Vs Catholics in N.Ireland and evils caused by Christian countries (Such as the US, Germany, Russia) heavily outweigh that of the so called non Christian countries.




  1. You mean, IF he comes.

    And if he does... I'm betting on year 3000. Three's the charm, they say.

  2. WHEN JESUS COMES BACK: all bets are off, ... and all questions will be moot and beyond silly.


  3. I waiting for Jesus to show up and apologize for stealing the story of Mithra.

  4. Jesus promised to return within a generation.

    I guess he missed the bus.

  5. The second coming of Christ itself is not from the Original Christian text

  6. Sarah, In my opinion, Jesus is very aware of the religious practices on earth.  When Jesus returns, it will be a time of reckoning and judgment for the evil people of the world. People who have used religion for an excuse to persecute others.  Also for starting wars in the name of religion.

    The scriptures tell us: His patience and love for this human race has been beyond comprehension! But even God's patience and mercy finally will run out, and when it does … God pity the man or woman who's in the pathway of his rage … because all of the pent up fury that's been held back, as if by a mighty dam, suddenly that dam is going to burst and pour forth an avalanche of unstoppable wrath!  

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