
When the British Empire was at it's peak, which colonies proved the most troublesome, the most profitable...?

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...the most tactically advantageous, and the most insignificant?





  1. Hong Kong was the most profitable (due to opium trade) and also due to the opium wars was the most troublesome.

    the US got their Independence but were not as much trouble as hong kong caused but as it was so big but had little to offer that was not got elsewhere it was decided to let it retain its Independence.

    Hong Kong had many battles and these were reinforce by the East India Company rather than the army  and it was retained (just) until 1997!

    The Most insignificant was the 'Trucial states' which at the time of Lauwrence of Arabia were slowly given independance as they had nothing but desert.

    50 years later it was a different matter with the Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait ant eh United Arab Emirates being themajor source of Oil in the world.

    That said however they retain strong links with the UK (as does Hong Kong) and we trade with them a huge amount and by association we got to trade with Saudia Arabia as well.

    so the Trucial States went form being the least significant  at the time to the 'biggest loss' when oil was discovered.

  2. im not doing ur hw for you but research America. They had a revolution against the british. India was also considered the jewel in the crown that was the british empire. Ghandi also made non violent protests in India and eventually led his country to their freedom. Such an act was the gateway for many other colonies to gain their independence.

  3. The British Empire was not at its peak at the time of the American Revolution.  However, it is worth noting that when they had to choose between defending the Colonies against the Americans or the West Indies against the French, the British chose the latter because they were far more profitable.

  4. Answer to both is the same India. Not for nothing was it called the jewel in the crown. The richest and most populous of the colonies it was also by far the most troublesome. It took more than a dozen wars (four of them against the Sikhs) to conquer it and it was never fully pacified. And once Ghandi got involved in his campaign of boycott and passive resistance became completely un governable which was why the British finally left.

    Its wealth was fantastic and indeed the koinoor diamond is still the finest gem in the British crown jewels

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