
When the Chinese cars arrive in the USA, along with cars from Japan, will that destroy Ford and GM?

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When the Chinese cars arrive in the USA, along with cars from Japan, will that destroy Ford and GM?




  1. Uhhh, we've had Japanese, Korean, German, and Swiss cars here for a while now and American cars are still popular. And how good do you think Chinese cars will be?

  2. Ford and GM are doing a fine job of destroying themselves.  No help needed.

    Neither one will be around in less than 10 years.

  3. GM makes the finest vehicals in the world and are superior in life span of parts.

  4. My question is-Are they going to use lead based paint on them, and sell them at Wal-Mart?

  5. Hard to say.  GM and Ford's foreign competition has traditionally been Japanese and German cars.  Japan and Germany have some of the HIGHEST wages on earth.  So it follows, then, that they don't know what real competition is.  They copy each other, and from the outside, they are being attacked by people that have even higher wages than they do.  Their survival instincts are pretty weak, if they have any.

    One thing they plan to do is try to get Chinese makers to come under the umbrella and work as partners.  They have been able to maniuplate the Korean threat to some degree that way.  In fact, way back when, they each bought Japanese companies.  Ford still controls Mazda to this day.

  6. The Chinese cars are not as reliable as Japanese cars, and China will only sell a couple of models in the U.S. within the nest 10 years.

    GM will still be around.

  7. yes

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